Social Media Management


Due to its brand position and the recognition in the market, Stratasys had a very good performance in China marketing already before we started to work with them. Their aim was simple, to earn an even greater market share.


Without knowing audience requirements it’s impossible to improve an account with such high performance to a new level.

Our solution was to establish a content hub within the official WeChat account, which was segmented by content categories and integrate the account with a marketing automation strategy. This made it easier to identify and tag individual user content and service preferences creating accurate marketing efforts, an increased ROI and the ability to nurture interest into purchase.


Worked with Stratasys over 3 years, together we have made lots of great achievements.

  • Target audiences converted to followers increased 40% within 2 years.

  • More than 4,000 leads generated, with 3,000 being MQL’s.

  • Over 50% of follower have at least one interest tag since the marketing automation launch.