Social Media Management


Having established a presence on WeChat for several years, JLL already had a strong performance in terms of number of followers and impressions. As an ambitious company, they were seeking to generate potential business opportunity through WeChat, and to improve user experiences even further.


No marketing can escape AIPL (Awareness, Interest, Purchase, Loyalty) model, even in B2B industry. JLL has its strong brand recognition in China, and its WeChat account considers the benchmark in the industry. While, WeChat had not been the only presence a brand should be on social media in China since 2018. In order to achieve JLL’s great digital marketing ambition, we helped JLL to establish more than 10 social media account and managed them. All the social media accounts together made the brand more three-dimensional - it even has a “voice”.


Worked with JLL over 5 years, together we have made lots of great achievements.

  • Tripled WeChat fan base

  • Over 1,000 marketing qualified leads generated through social media

  • Established over 10 social media accounts